Senco contact details:
1. How does the school know if children need extra help?
According to the Special Educational Needs and Disability Code of Practice 2015, “a child or young person has a learning difficulty or disability if he or she has a significantly greater difficulty in learning than the majority of others of the same age.”
At Longmeadow children may be identified as needing extra help in a variety of ways, this could include some of the following:
- Liaison with a previous school or pre-school setting
- A child falling below age expected levels or making limited progress in accordance with age-related expectations (identified through regular pupil progress meetings).
- Concerns raised by parents / carers
- Concerns raised by teachers, perhaps related to a change in pupil’s behaviour or self-esteem
- Use of assessments such as the Herts SpLD Assessment Pack
- Liaison with external agencies such as Speech and Language.
- Children with an EHCP (Education, Health and Care Plan) will have many of their needs clearly identified.
2. What should I do if I think my child may have special educational needs?
If you have concerns regarding your child please initially arrange to speak with his or her class teacher. Where appropriate concerns will be passed on to the school SENCo (Acting Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator: Mrs Amy Schofield). Further discussions may then take place between all parties involved to decide on the best way forward for your child.
3. How will school staff support my child?
If a child has been identified as having or possibly having SEND the school will support them in the following ways:
- Through Quality First Teaching. Teachers plan and deliver a curriculum to meet the needs of all pupils. Teaching will be further adapted to address identified barriers to learning.
- If further support is required, it may be necessary for the SENCo and class teacher to arrange targeted intervention. This may be individual or group support.
- Each class teacher produces a Provision Map every term which identifies children needing extra support. If interventions involve teaching away from class, the teacher retains responsibility and works closely with support staff to plan and assess the impact of the interventions and how they can be linked back to class teaching.
- If necessary, a Pupil Passport may be written in collaboration with the child and parents. Pupil Passports identify an individual’s strengths and his or her barriers to learning. Specific strategies are identified and reviewed termly during a review meeting with the child and his or her family.
- Where appropriate specialist equipment may be provided for a child, for example writing slopes, pencil grips, wobble cushions or specially adapted furniture.
- Adaptations may be made to timetabling if necessary, allowing children to have personalised timetables or specific seating arrangements if appropriate.
- We encourage all pupils to take part in every area of school life, including visits and off-site events. Where necessary, support for individual children will be organised and planned in collaboration with parents and staff.
4. How will I know how my child is doing?
The progress of all children is reviewed regularly between teachers, the Headteacher and the SENCo, termly at formal Pupil Progress Meetings and throughout the term on a more informal basis. The information is shared with parents at twice-yearly-Parent-Consultations and through the yearly written report.
If a child is identified as having Special Educational Needs and a Pupil Passport is in place there will be termly meetings between the class teacher, child and parents to review and celebrate achievements and to plan new targets and strategies. This will be in addition to the Parent Consultations and end of year report.
5. How will the learning and development provision be matched to my child’s needs?
The school adopts a graduated approach to the identification and assessment of pupils with SEND. This is followed when allocating provision for specific pupils. Pupils may move between the levels depending on current levels of need.
- Quality First Teaching - Teachers plan and deliver a curriculum to meet the broad needs of all pupils. Teaching will be further adapted to address any identified barriers to learning, this may include additional in class support from the teacher or teaching assistant.
- Additional Need – If a child’s needs are specific to a particular curriculum area, they may be included in an intervention group following a specific programme. The impact of the intervention will be monitored by the class teacher and SENCo to inform future planning.
- Higher Needs – If a child has higher level needs, they may be identified as having Special Educational Needs and a Pupil Passport will be created. The Pupil Passport will be developed in collaboration with the child, parents and other relevant professionals.
- Complex Needs – If a child has a complex SEND, a formal assessment for an Education, Care and Health Plan may be carried out.
6. What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing?
Longmeadow follows the structured PSHE and Health and Well-being Jigsaw Scheme which runs throughout the school. Additional support may be provided through a targeted social skills group, working with our Family Support Worker. We recognise that some pupils have additional social, emotional and mental health needs and that these present themselves in a variety of ways. It may be necessary to involve outside agencies for example Behaviour Support, or the School Nurse. Families are supported and encouraged to be involved in decision-making at every stage in the process.
7. What specialist services and expertise are available at or accessed by the school?
The SENCo liaises regularly with a range of external agencies and specialists. We may feel it would be helpful to refer a child to an external specialist for advice and additional support. Any referral will first be discussed, in full, with you as parents. Outside agencies that we may access include:
- Educational Psychology
- Specific Learning Difficulties Advisory Service
- Speech and Language Therapy
- Speech, Language, Communication and Autism Advisory Service
- Occupational Therapy
Further information about these services is available as part of the Hertfordshire Local Offer
8. What training have the staff, supporting children and young people with SEND, had or are having?
The SENCo has been awarded the National SENCo accreditation. All staff have access to CPD for SEND when relevant and there are opportunities for whole staff training on particular aspects of SEND. Recent training includes:
- The SENCo attending termly local cluster meetings for updates to SEND and local provision.
- TA Training provided by DSPL2 TA Academy
- Training from Speech and Language therapists for Teaching Assistants delivering individual programmes for specific pupils
- Autism Awareness Awareness Training delivered by Autism Training Hertfordshire
- Teacher and TA Training provided by Greenside Outreach Service
9. How will you help me to support my child’s learning?
Newsletters and class curriculum letters are sent out informing you of current learning within school. Parents are also regularly invited into school to share their children's learning.
Children will be set regular age appropriate homework tasks to complete with parents involving reading, writing, phonics, maths or topic work. These tasks may be set to reinforce learning or in preparation for a new topic. Tasks are designed to be open-ended and accessible to most pupils. However, if your child has a particular need, individual homework may be set. If your child has a Pupil Passport in place, there will be strategies related to particular areas of need, these may be related to learning that will be taking place during intervention sessions. During termly meetings, these strategies will be shared and discussed so that they can be used at home to support your child. If a child is receiving support from an outside agency, for example the Speech, Language, Communication and Autism Advisory Service, suggestions for ways that you can support your child at home will also be set out within the advice that they provide.
10. How will I be involved in discussions about and planning for my child’s education?
We encourage you to speak to the Class Teacher, SENCo or Headteacher if you have concerns surrounding your child’s education at any point. If your child has been identified as having SEND and has a Pupil Passport, termly meetings will take place between you, your child and the class teacher. You will always be informed if your child has been referred to an outside specialist. When an outside agency has been involved with your child, you will be invited into school to receive feedback and be involved in discussions about planning next steps. If you have an FFA (Families First Assessment) or EHCP (Education Health and Care Plan) regular meetings will be planned with you to share information and discuss progress.
11. How will my child be included in activities outside the classroom, including school trips?
Children with all levels of physical and learning disability are encouraged to take part in all areas of the curriculum including school trips. All such activities are planned well in advance and any necessary adaptations to the level of adult support, the physical environment or resources available are made. Risk assessments are carried out prior to any off-site activity and a separate risk assessment may be carried for individual children as appropriate.
12. How accessible is the school environment?
The school is fully compliant with the Equality Act and reasonable adjustments are made for pupils with SEND. Specialist equipment can be provided if necessary and advice is sought from appropriate medical and health professionals to ensure needs are met within the school environment.
13. Who can I contact for further information?
If your child is currently a pupil at the school please speak to the class teacher in the first instance. Further information is available from the SENCo or Headteacher
- Headteacher – Mrs Lynne Osborne
- Acting SENCo – Mrs Amy Schofield
General information relating to SEND can be found on the school website.
14. How will the school prepare and support my child to join the school, transfer to a new school or the next stage of education and life?
- We recognise that periods of transition are important in every child’s life and that some children may find these times more challenging. We have a variety of procedures in place to meet a range of needs and support children at these times:
- Transition visits for pupils joining our school.
- If children are joining us in the Foundation Stage, visits will be made to their current setting by the Nursery or Reception Teacher.
- Transition mornings within school for pupils moving up to the next class.
- Handover meetings between staff in different year groups including more detailed plans for pupils with SEND.
- Transition visits for pupils moving from Year 6 to Secondary school.
- Liaison with SENCos at local Secondary schools.
- Transition meetings between staff, pupils and parents to plan for and discuss arrangements
- Transition books can be created with photographs and information regarding a new class or school
- Social Stories to plan for upcoming changes.
- The SENCo can work with outside agencies to arrange preparation sessions or additional visits.
- If your child has an EHCP, a review meeting will be used as a transition planning meeting involving staff from both schools.
15. How are the school’s resources allocated and matched to children’s special educational needs?
The school has an amount identified within its overall budget called the Notional SEN Budget. This is used to support the progress of children with SEN e.g. to provide specialist training for staff, buy specialist equipment or books or to employ Teaching Assistants to support learning. Where a child exceeds the nationally prescribed threshold, additional, top-up funding can be applied for through the local authority known as Local High Needs Funding.
16. How is the decision made about how much support my child will receive?
The support of Teaching Assistants is allocated across the school according to need. The amount and type of support will be determined by barriers to learning and current progress, the level of support will be adjusted accordingly. Interventions are time-limited and will be reviewed and monitored to ensure they are appropriate and are having an impact on each child.
17. How can I find information about the local authority’s Local Offer of services and provision for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities?
Hertfordshire County Council’s Local Offer can be accessed online at
Government Legislation requires us to publish a report called the SEN information report. This will be reviewed and updated during the year in consultation with parents, staff and governors.
Further information and local support available:-
Brighter SENter is an inclusive life skills and wellness hub for children and young people ages 5-16 with SEN. We have a team of passionate, driven and dedicated consultants, coaches, facilitators, psychologists and relaxation therapists who have a desire to see children and young people have a bright outlook and the freedom to explore, develop and thrive in every area of life.
Dolphins swimming club is a swimming club for children or young people with SEND and their families. It is held at Stevenage Swimming Centre on a Sunday. You can attend the first session for free and if you enjoy it, you can sign the whole family up for £10 for the whole year.
This is the link to the SPACE website if you would like more information on how they can support families with children or young people with ASD/ADHD. This includes family events within Hertfordshire and online.
The charity ADD-Vance has been developed by a group of parents of neurodivergent children who want to support families with children or young people with ASD/ADHD. They offer a variety of services including workshops, courses, a support telephone line, as well as family events and much more.