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Primary school

Absence Request Form

Please complete this form to make us aware that your child will be absent from school for a longer period of time. We request that parents do not take holidays in term time as it seriously disrupts pupil's education.

All holidays are unauthorised except in exceptional circumstances. Legislation makes it clear that head teachers may not grant leave of absence during term time. They no longer have the discretion to allow holidays up to 10 days or to agree extended leave for parents to visit their country of origin (This is stated by the Director of Education and Early Intervention). If there are exceptional circumstances, please provide further information in this form.

*NOTE: Any holiday of 7.5 days or more will automatically be issued with a fine of £60* (See FPN guidance for more information).
All holidays taken will result in at least one attendance letter being issued. (This is not a fine but a warning letter.)

*Penalty Notice £60 if paid within 21 days, increasing to £120 if paid after 21 days and before 28 days.
In nearly all cases of holidays, medical evidence of future time off will be required for illness and a family meeting may also be required.

I understand that holidays are unauthorised and that the Attendance Improvement Officer will be notified of the holiday taken and a Penalty Notice or Warning letter will be issued. I understand that if a penalty fine is issued by Herts County Council it is for each child taken out of school and that this is a fine of £60 which increases to £120 if not paid within the first 21 days. I understand that if I do not pay this may result in legal action. Please tick here if you agree to these conditions.*
I understand that if my child has 3 days or more holiday or if their attendance drops below 96% then I am required to provide medical evidence for any future time off my child has. Full information will be in your warning letter or speak to the Attendance Officer.*