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'Children learn as they play. Most importantly, in play, children learn how to learn.'

O. Fred Donaldson 


Welcome to Nursery. 

In our class you will find Mrs Banna, Miss Kennoy, Mrs Chase and Mrs Wilson. 

We are excited to welcome the new children into our early years setting at Longmeadow. We aim to create a safe space for children to be curious, take risks and develop a love of learning. 

During the school day, the children will take part in short carpet sessions that include phonics and maths skills. During child-initiated play, they will have access to a variety of activities within the indoor and outdoor environments, giving them opportunities to create their own learning alongside adult-led activities. 


Teachers: Mrs Banna, Miss Kennoy, Mrs Wilson

Support Staff: Mrs Chase


What's new:

Nursery Autumn overview


Our PE day is on Wednesday. Please come to school in the correct kit on this day. 

Please ensure your child has a labelled water bottle, spare clothes and wellies. 

Please remember to bring your child’s reading log and book to school every day. 

We will use ‘Evidence Me’ to share parts of your child’s learning journey with you. Please ensure you have the correct information for you to view these. 

Useful Links:

Little Wandle for parents/ access to nursery rhymes: 

Counting songs: 

Creative games/stories: 

Fine/gross motor skills: 

Follow your child’s journey on Evidence Me:   

Get in touch: 

Please feel free to contact us via Evidence Me, at pickup or drop off.